Mutual Coaching

A variation on the Critical Response Process, Mutual Coaching is specialized for peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration. It is especially useful for refining aspects of performance, including technique and interpretation.

Round 1


Artist shows work: Participating artists/students form pairs. One (“artist”) performs/shows the material while the other (“coach”) watches/listens.


Coach comments: The watching/listening partner offers a few comments on aspects of the performance that worked well or were effective, striking, or meaningful.

Round 2


Artist states area of focus: The artist now invites feedback about a specific aspect of his/her presentation. A dancer might say: “I’m working maintaining my balance after the jump,” a storyteller: “I’m trying to differentiate my voice as narrator from the characters who speak in the story,” or a pianist: “I want the right hand to play lyrically while I keep the left hand percussive.” The artist then repeats the passage.


Coach responds: The coaching partner attends to the repeat and gives feedback on the focus area the artist has identified.

Round 3


Coach offers additional focus area: The coach now names another area for the performer to work on, “Think about keeping your movement more fluid across the shoulders;” “Try varying the loudness and softness of your speaking;” “See what results you get if you use the pedal a little more sparingly.” This can be considered a “wild card” suggestion: the artist tries this idea; they don’t have to keep it.


Debrief: After a final performance of the material, partners debrief to assess progress that was observed, share insights gained, or consider future steps.

From the top!


Switch and repeat: Participants reverse roles and repeat the process.

More information

Learn more about Critical Response Process webinars, trainings, and further study opportunities.

Please do not reproduce or distribute without permission.
For more information, contact John Borstel: