

Liz has keynoted at gatherings of arts educators, philanthropists, human rights lawyers, nursing home caregivers, and genomic scientists. She has spoken to the National Science Foundation, the Association of Performing Arts Presenters, state arts councils, groups of Jewish leaders and more.

“Customizing keynotes is a great pleasure for me: it allows me to sharpen my own thinking, and to make discoveries alongside new people.”

– Liz Lerman

“I help others when they come to me and ask. I work in this country and abroad in settings that continue to forge my thinking, make me bolder, and let me interrogate the next generations of artists. It is wide open at the moment. I am a little frightened, a lot more curious, and full of wonder and grief as I gaze around me.”

– Liz Lerman

In particular, Liz is interested in speaking on the following topics:

The creative nature of feedback

Feedback as a heightened moment, full of possibilities for change and evolution when we can navigate around our preconceptions.

Persistent hierarchies and “Hiking the Horizontal”

Being broad in a narrow world requires considerable creative skill, including holding ideas in multiplicity, making rules as well as breaking rules, and persistent inquiry.

Shape & momentum

Change is constant, yet our values and aesthetics are largely static. Liz talks about the possibilities that arise when we use the knowledge of movement and of our bodies (our very own non-static form) to interrogate our own thinking, and to make evident new ways of working and being in the world.


Liz is primarily available for keynote engagements. However, she has a number of different workshops that, for groups small and large, can be paired with a keynote.


Liz’s history is rich with residencies of all scales and in every imaginable (and unimaginable) location. In recent years, her focus has shifted to teaching teachers. If you are currently interested in a large-scale community residency, please contact the great minds at Dance Exchange. You will be invigorated by their spirit and delighted by their outcomes.