2002 – Liz is awarded a MacArthur “genius” grant

2002 – Liz is awarded a MacArthur “genius” grant

2002 – Liz is awarded a MacArthur “genius” grant Demonstrating that dance can build upon people’s experience to recreate their connections across ages and communities. Liz Lerman Courtesy of the MacArthur Foundation Announcement from the MacArthur Foundation Liz...
1998-2002 – The Hallelujah Project

1998-2002 – The Hallelujah Project

1998-2002 – The Hallelujah Project Hallelujah Project Photo by Lise Metzger Where to start? Fifteen cities, fifteen projects, so much happened for so many over such a short amount of time. There were the dances but there was also all the extra things people did...
1996 – The Shipyard Project

1996 – The Shipyard Project

1996 – The Shipyard Project Video Excerpts from The Shipyard Project There are so many stories from this amazing project and so much good that has come from it including how much I was able to learn, from the people of Portsmouth and from the Yard workers...
1986 – Still Crossing

1986 – Still Crossing

1986 – Still Crossing Video excerpts from the premiere of Still Crossing in 1986 and 2006 I had just finished making the dance Russia: Footnotes to History – and that was the first time I had made something really big, made it wrong, thrown out half of it,...