Bimbola Akinbola

Bimbola Akinbola

Chicago, IL // Certified in 2020

Bimbola Akinbola is an artist, performer, and assistant professor of Performance Studies at Northwestern University. She received her PhD from the University of Maryland College Park in American Studies, and her BA from Macalester College in Studio Art and American Studies. Her interests lie at the intersection of African diaspora studies, performance, and visual culture. She is a certified CRP facilitator and has formally and informally taught and facilitated CRP with educators, administrators, visual artists, and choreographers in universities, community centers, museums, performance spaces, and living rooms both in the U.S and abroad.

Areas of interest:

  • The intersection of CRP and critical race theory
  • CRP on social media
  • CRP in higher education (including work with administrators, educators, and students)
  • CRP for visual artists