Frequently asked questions
I’m a reporter, whom do I contact to set up an interview with Liz?
Please send your request to admin@lizlerman.com.
Can I interview Liz for my project at school/university?
How can I bring Liz to my institution for a keynote/lecture/class?
Liz’s availability is primarily for keynotes. We are also seeking presenters who can further Liz’s work on My Body is a Library through customized panels and other investigations. Please contact admin@lizlerman.com to begin the conversation about what you’re looking for.
How can I get Liz to come perform?
We love that you want Liz’s performance work in your community! Liz’s older repertory (pre 2011) lives with Dance Exchange; her current repertory (e.g Healing Wars and Wicked Bodies) requires a presenter. If you’re a presenter, contact us at admin@lizlerman.com with your query! If you’re not a presenter, please do contact your local arts presenter/college to ask them to invite Liz… the more people requesting her presence, the more likely it is that she will get the support she needs in order to come.
Does Liz offer mentoring services?
Does Liz offer classes?
Liz occasionally teaches workshops, many of which are private and at the request of a specific institution. She is currently Institute Professor, School of Music, Dance and Theatre; Faculty Affiliate, Jewish Studies; and Senior Global Futures Scientist, Global Futures Scientists and Scholars at Arizona State University.
Does Liz hold auditions?
Not regularly, as her relationships with performers tend to develop over several years and multiple projects.
Does Liz offer internships or opportunities to shadow her as she works?
Liz is not able to offer internships. Opportunities to shadow her develop out of existing relationships.
We want to create, or are creating, a community dance project, will Liz come help us with it?
The magnificent artists at Dance Exchange would love to hear about your project!
We would like to host Liz for a long-term residency. What do we need to do?
Liz is not available for residencies. If you are interested in a large-scale community residency, please contact the great minds at Dance Exchange; you will be invigorated by their spirit and delighted by their outcomes.
Can I see some of your older work on video?
Yes! Go to Vimeo.com/LizLerman to see some excerpts and full-length videos. Additionally, Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland – College Park holds Liz’s complete archives from her 40+ years of works including videos, photographs, press, documentation of costumes, writings, and more.
How can I get a DVD of your work into my library?
Recordings of many of Liz’s works are held in the collection of the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland – College Park. Please contact John Davis at the university for more information: jrdavis@umd.edu.
Don't see what you're looking for?
Get in touch with us to inquire about anything you don’t see here.